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This collection of aphorisms is selected from the daily Dharma lectures given by our Teacher, the late Venerable Master Miao Lien. On June 25, 2008, he entered Nirvana at the Ling Yen Shan Temple in Nantou, Taiwan. He had been a fully ordained monk for sixty-seven years. We pray that our Venerable Master will soon return to the Saha World in accordance with his vows to save infinite sentient beings and perfect the Bodhi. It is our sincere hope that readers may absorb compassion and wisdom from the "sweet dew" of Dharma and, by applying those virtues in their daily lives, purify their bodies and minds and become infused with Dharma bless.
老和尚於2008年6月25日(農曆97年5月22日)示寂於臺灣南投埔里靈巖山寺,世壽八十八歲、戒臘六十七載。至心祈願 老和尚早日乘願再來,廣度眾生,圓滿菩提!