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因為工作的關係他住在都市。但堅持要住有陽台的房子。然後他真的有一個陽台了。陽台有1.5坪,說大不大,說小不小。1.5坪能餵養什麼呢? /// 一本鼓勵種樹的雜誌(線上翻頁書),收錄都市人透過陽台植栽,與大自然發生一連串聯結的故事。如果您覺得文章有意思,或是也認同“愛地球,多種樹”的理念,歡迎轉傳分享哦! A magazine (online flipbook) that encourages tree planting. It contains stories about an urbanite planting plants on the balcony and connecting with nature. If you find the article interesting, or you also agree with the concept of "love the earth, more trees", please don't hesitate to share it!